
Congratulations on Jinchuang company winning ISO9001:2000 certificate

Recently, the ISO9001 international certification company has carried out a comprehensive Certification Review on the ISO9001:2000 quality assurance system of Jinchuang company. It is believed that the ISO9001:2000 system of Jinchuang

Recently, the ISO9001 international certification company has carried out a comprehensive Certification Review on the ISO9001:2000 quality assurance system of Jinchuang company. It is believed that the ISO9001:2000 system of Jinchuang company works effectively and fully conforms to ISO standards. It has passed the certification and acceptance at one time and issued a certificate at the same time. Quality is an eternal topic in production and life, and also one of the themes of global economic development in this century. With the development of the times, the improvement of the level of science and technology and the deepening of human understanding of objective things, quality constantly gives new life and mission. In today's world market competition, of course, the more important is the competition for quality, product quality is the survival of enterprises. With the deepening of world economic integration and increasingly fierce market competition, many enterprises have passed the certification of ISO9001:2000 international quality system, and carry out product quality management according to the requirements of quality system standards.

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