
How to choose laser marking machine

Advantages: wide range of application, beautiful font, all kinds of small size precision parts can be printed (such as various watches, parts).


It has a wide range of applications, beautiful fonts, and all kinds of small size precision parts can be printed (such as various watches and parts).


1) If the printing depth is 0.1 mm, the efficiency will be greatly reduced.

2) When printing content changes, the efficiency is low.

3) The continuous working time is less than 5 hours, the marking range is small, and it is not suitable for group marking and large workpiece marking in different positions.

4) Long term use by operators may cause harm to the body.

5) Poor maintainability, complex structure and many vulnerable parts lead to high use rate and high price of vulnerable parts, such as LED power supply. High environmental requirements, not suitable for use in production line

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