
Fire drill and safety training


Our company has always attached great importance to fire safety work. Although the current epidemic situation is not completely over, fire drill and safety training should be carried out in a timely manner. Vigorously publicize the fire safety knowledge, enhance the staff's ability of escape and self-help, improve the ability to deal with the fire, and master the skills of extinguishing the initial fire.

On the afternoon of March 7, 2020, the company prepared iron barrels and wood in the hospital, and special personnel explained and demonstrated the use of fire extinguishers and fire fighting drills. The person in charge of fire training introduced the types and application range of fire extinguishers, the location and validity of fire extinguishers, and introduced the structure and use methods of fire extinguishers in detail. The actual fire point was set up in the safe position of the hospital, and the field operation demonstration was carried out to explain the method of using dry powder fire extinguisher and the four character formula: "lift, shake, dial and spray"; then, everyone went to the battle to "put out the fire" in person. During the drill, the person in charge of the training guided the main points of the drill, so that all the personnel on site could master the correct method of using fire extinguisher.

Through this drill, we created a good atmosphere for the whole staff to pay attention to and participate in fire fighting, so that we can master the correct use of fire-fighting equipment, and improve the ability to put out the initial fire.

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