
Prospect of competitiveness of packaging machinery enterprises in Taiwan

After 30 or 40 years of development, under the export-oriented economic structure, Taiwan packaging machinery has made great progress in recent years.

After 30 or 40 years of development, under the export-oriented economic structure, Taiwan packaging machinery has made great progress in recent years In recent years, compared with the slow development in the island, Taiwan packaging machinery has a strong momentum in expanding the market outside the island, especially in the mainland market, which has occupied a considerable share and has a wide impact?

Two years ago, Mr. Andrew Manley, former president of the international packaging machinery Union, said during his visit to China that the packaging machinery in Taiwan had just entered the international market 20 years ago, and its level was far from that of European machinery. However, smart Chinese people soon caught up with them, and many of them, especially the latter part, were able to catch up with them Packaging machinery in quality? Speed? Automation control and other aspects are completely comparable to European products?

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