
In the next few years, the mechanical industry needs nearly 10 billion pneumatic products

At present, China's agriculture, water conservancy, energy, transportation, information, construction, environmental protection and other industries are developing rapidly, so a large number of machinery and equipment are needed to

At present, China's agriculture, water conservancy, energy, transportation, information, construction, environmental protection and other industries are developing rapidly, so a large number of machinery and equipment are needed to meet the needs of its development. With the improvement of industrialization and automation level, a large number of high performance and high reliability hydraulic pneumatic and sealing components are needed for these equipments. According to preliminary calculation, it is estimated that the total domestic demand for hydraulic, hydraulic, pneumatic and sealing products will increase from 20 billion yuan in 2005 (including imports of about 900 million US dollars and exports of nearly 300 million US dollars) to about 35 billion yuan (including imports of about 1.5 billion US dollars and exports of about 500 million US dollars). Among them, hydraulic products increased from more than 10 billion yuan to 20 billion yuan, hydraulic products from more than 1 billion yuan to more than 2 billion yuan, pneumatic products from nearly 3 billion yuan to more than 5 billion yuan, and sealing products from more than 3 billion yuan to 7 billion yuan.

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